September 2023

Joaquin Segura

Film directed by Alexa Caravia for Fountainhead Arts

Joaquín Segura works in varied mediums such as sculpture, installation, photography, and video to reflect on themes of history, truth, and power. Highly influenced by his personal experience as a Mexican national, Segura seeks to spark deep reflection and critical thinking around significant historical events and pressing political issues, prompting viewers to question absolute truths and imagine different futures. To do so, Segura often utilizes materials that speak volumes. For instance, in Pyre (2016), he assembles 23 used car tires, 760 kg of wood, and 71 liters of gasoline—the precise amounts needed to disintegrate one human body in an open field—to create an installation that draws attention to the issue of mass disappearances in Latin America. 

In Miami, the Mexico City-based artist spent his time focusing on a series of works derived from a rich archive of pamphlets he has built over many years. These political leaflets, which follow the influence of propagandist messages in various languages and countries, served as a point of departure to create pieces like The First Vietnamese Resistance (2022), a large oil on canvas painting meant to be shown alongside the eponymous book from which the painting was inspired. 

Aside from the time and space he was afforded at Fountainhead, Segura was particularly impressed with the ability of Fountainhead’s team to envision the improbable albeit deep connections that can be formed between co-residents over just a few weeks. 

“The warmth and genuine interest in us as artists makes Fountainhead unique. I think there’s a relationship—almost familial—between the artists and the [Fountainhead] team, and that was reflected in the relationship between us as residents and in our dynamics,” Segura said. 

Words by Salomé Gomez-Upegui

Joaquin Segura

Joaquin Segura was born and is based in Mexico.

